The One with Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens

In case you're confused: these are a few of my favorite things! Any other Sound of Music/Julie Andrews fans out there? No? It's just me? Well, you're really missing out.

Anyway, check out these products, websites, and causes that are really rocking my socks lately!

1) Downton Abbey

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OMG this show is phenomenal. George and I started watching it this weekend and literally watched all 7 episodes of the 1st season in one day. I realize that may just lead you to believe that we're really boring (which is probably true) but it should ALSO encourage you to check out this show. I'm a sucker for historical drama.

2) The Small Things Blog
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This woman's blog is completely amazing. She is a professional hairstylist who publishes daily blog posts with step-by-step video tutorials on how to achieve a variety of adorable hairstyles. She'll make you want to hate her just a little because she's also crafty and a great dresser - there are lots of posts about those things too!

3) Compassion International
image via

Compassion International is a Christian charity organization I discovered around Christmastime. They allow you to purchase a wide variety of specific gifts to help meet critical needs: you can buy a chicken to provide a family with eggs, you can buy packages to help provide education to needy children, safe drinking water for families, you can buy a cow to provide a family with milk, provide money for vaccinations, and the list goes on. The website also allows you to sponsor a child. The organization is one of the best in regard to the percentage of funds actually used for those in need. Over 80% of donations are used directly to provide help for these needy children and their families. This Christmas, part of the gift we gave to my father was a donation to Compassion which provided enough food baskets to a needy family to feed them for an entire month. My parents gave George and I a certificate for a donation to help provide educational services to children in need. It was such a wonderful feeling (and I believe more in keeping with the true meaning of Christmas) to use the holiday to give to children to who have nothing. How much more meaningful than our typical tradition where one person who has so much gives to another person who also has so much. It really is better to give than to receive - especially when you have the opportunity to give to someone who really needs it.

Those are a few of my favorites right now. I'll be sure to continue with the "Favorite Things" posts - leave a comment and let me know what you're loving right now!


  1. I obviously got your SOM reference right away :) I can't believe there's a new historical drama that I didn't know about it? Is it sexy & fun or more focused on the history of the times? Either way I need to check it out!!

  2. I need to watch downtown abbey! I hear it's so good!


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