The One with the Scale

I don't find it all that surprising that the numbers on my scale have started to creep up a bit since our wedding. Disappointing? Yes. But surprising? Not really; since I've spent the 4 months since our wedding basking in the newlywed glow, receiving constant compliments from my new husband (who regularly tells me he thinks I'm beautiful - what a great guy!) and perfecting my baking skills with my new kitchen gadgets. Definitely a recipe for packing on the pounds.

So, in the hopes that this public confession will give me the accountability I need to hit the gym and lay off the sweets, I'm going to be 'fessing up here on the interwebs and tracking my progress week by week. In the past I've had the tendency to pick a "goal weight" and tailor my diet and exercise accordingly until I hit that number. I'm approaching the challenge a bit differently this time; hopefully with more of a focus on my overall health and less on trying to reach an unrealistic number on the scale. Our upcoming honeymoon (in June) to a tropical locale and the thought that I'll be spending more time in a bathing suit over the course of that week than I have in the past 5 years, is definitely incentive to tone up. But, more importantly, if we plan to start a family in a year or so, I want to make sure I'm at my healthiest to begin with. To that end, my goals are:
~to eat healthy, whole foods as much as possible and cut out the processed, sugary stuff
~to cut out soda and switch to drinking lots more water (I don't drink soda very much, but I had cut it out entirely before Christmas and was feeling much better - and much less puffy - when I was sticking to water, lowfat milk, and occasional juice)
~to get in some kind of heart-pumping exercise at least 5 days a week (hopefully plenty of snowshoeing will fit into that plan now that we have a couple feet of the fluffy white stuff)
~to build muscle by doing weight-bearing exercises or lifting weights at the gym 2 to 3 days a week

That's the plan for now. I'm hoping that starting slow and keeping it simple will help me stick with it - and will help me keep the focus on health not numbers. Wish me luck - I'll be posting every Thursday with a fitness update, but stay tuned for other blog topics throughout the week (next time, I promise more pictures)!


  1. Best of luck to you on your quest for optimum health!! I'm glad you're not focusing on weight loss because honestly you look AMAZING. I look forward to whipping myself back into shape as soon as I'm done cooking this will be so in shape & toned by then, you can be my motivation!!

  2. good luck & try to enjoy the health process. when i was trying to lose the baby weight, i found that when i didn't stress about it as much and actually listened to what my body wanted to eat, and did exercise that was FUN for me, i had much better results than when i was stressed about hitting certain numbers on the scale and logging a specific workout. make it fun, and you'll see results. plus, it doesn't hurt that you're already gorgeous :)


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