The One in the 845 (Photo Edition)

The hubs and I spent last week vacationing in his hometown of Neversink, NY. We had a lovely time; but, of course, vacation always goes way too fast. Here are some highlights from the trip:
I was beyond thrilled that I got to attend my bff Colleen's baby shower. Her baby boy is due to arrive in April. Colleen's mom hosted the shower, and the house was filled with all things blue, sports-related, and snoopy-themed. Doesn't she look adorable and oh-so-glowy?

All other photos taken during our trip are from time spent with Colleen and her husband, John. When we're in New York, we like to visit them as much as humanly possible. We DID spend lots of time with family, we just didn't find much family photo-op time :)

I tried getting a good shot with Riley, our (illegally hidden in our on-campus apartment) cat from college (shhh, don't tell); but he's always been a bit obstinate. This was the best we could get:
Posing with all the sisters:
Really not sure how I perfectly captured George catching popcorn in his mouth. He's not a very "blog-y" person so I feel fairly confident posting this totally flattering photo :)

We were able to make one of John's basketball games and had such a great time watching his girls win the game...and tie for Division Champions!

For those of you who know me well, I am NOT a dog person..especially when it comes to large dogs who tend to jump on me. Despite my reticence, I have grown to love (usually from a distance) Colleen and John's dog, Roxy. I tried to get a photo with her, but she was so confused - she had no idea what I wanted her to do!

Our last day in Neversink, John and Colleen had an unexpected snow day and we were able to spend a lazy morning/afternoon chatting, eating, catan-ing, and Disney-movie-watching.

Bedknobs and Broomsticks, anyone?
I'll leave you with a final image of Riley being the super-tech-savvy cat that he is: macbook, ipod, and remote in hand - or should I say in paw (I'm so corny, I can't help myself!)


  1. Love that last pic of Riley- he is too funny!! We had such a great time with you guys :) Miss you & see you soon!!


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