Bumpdate: Week 18!

August 19th ~ August 25th

18 weeks, 6 days
How far along? 19 weeks tomorrow (8/26/13)

Size of the little darling? At 18 weeks, baby is the size of a sweet potato -- about 5.6 inches and weighing in at around 6.7 ounces 

Maternity Clothes? Nothing new; but yes, I'm wearing maternity all the time now.

Stretch Marks? Still nothing!

Gender? Only a couple days left until we will know!!  I'll be doing another blog post outlining all the old wives tales so everyone can make their guess before we find out.

Movement? Yes!  I started feeling distinct movements in there - feels sort of like popcorn popping under water.  Baby seems most active early in the morning and at night; but that may be because these are times of the day when I'm lying very still and can feel it more easily.
Sleep? Not terrible; not great.

Exercise? Not much!  Someone needs to make me get my butt in gear!
 Food Cravings? Nope; I've been enjoying lots of pickles, but anyone who knows me knows that it doesn't take pregnancy for this to be true!

What I Miss? I could definitely go for a glass of wine!  

Symptoms? Almost no symptoms to report this week; my acne has cleared up a little bit, which is definitely nice.

Weight Gain?  Not sure; still at +5 pounds according to my scale.

Best Moment of the Week? Seeing everyone at work on our conference day was really fun!


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