Bumpdate: Week 21 and 22!

September 9th ~ September 22

23 weeks, 1 day
How far along? Currently, 23 weeks 2 days

Size of the little miss? At 21 weeks, baby is about the size of a pomegranate - 10.5 inches and 12.7 ounces.  At 22 weeks, baby is about 11 inches and just under a pound. 

Maternity Clothes? This past weekend, we traveled down to Portland to register at Babies R Us.  While there, we took advantage of having actual stores to shop in!  I picked up a pair of jeans from the Gap and they are the most amazing maternity jeans EVER!!  I highly, highly, highly recommend the "Long and Lean" maternity jeans (I got the demi panel and sized up 1 size in the hopes that they will fit for the remainder of my pregnancy).  They are definitely on the pricier end (as are all jeans from the Gap), but I think they are worth the investment.

Stretch Marks? Still nothing!

Gender? Baby Knox is a sweet baby girl!

Movement? All the time!  I'm aware of baby's sleep and wake cycles, and she is now easy to feel moving around from the outside.  We've also noticed that you can begin to see my stomach moving, especially when she's really kicking!
Sleep? Still so-so.

Exercise? I've been fitting in at least 2 workouts per week; sometimes 3.  I'd like to fit in 4 per week, but I'm so exhausted at the end of my work day that I'm not sure I'll realistically be able to fit in that many.
 Food Cravings? Not really.  I continue to enjoy sweets (which is nothing new for me), but I would say I probably indulge the urge to eat sweets more than pre-pregnancy.

What I Miss? Not missing anything right now; I'm loving this special time! 

Symptoms? Beginning to get backaches throughout the day and at night, but nothing unbearable.  Also, the extra 10 pounds I'm carrying around really does a number on my feet!  After spending several hours registering and then shopping at target and walking around the mall, my feet hurt SO BAD.  They were achy the whole next day, as well.  By the time I get to the end of the pregnancy, I won't be able to walk anywhere!

Weight Gain?  Looks like I'm up about 10 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight (as of my last doctor weigh-in)

Belly Button In or Out? In!  It hasn't even flattened out yet; I don't foresee it popping out anytime in the near future.

Wedding Rings On or Off? On!  So far, I haven't noticed any swelling in my hands or fingers - rings are still fitting just fine!

Best Moment of the Week? Registering for the baby was a long, somewhat overwhelming day but it was also so much fun!  I loved picking out the exact items that we will use when baby Knox arrives!
21 weeks, 6 days

23 weeks, 1 day

Brave bare belly pics!
23 weeks, 1 day...you can totally see my veins through my skin - gross!


  1. Amanda you are carrying SO beautifully!! This little girl is just perfect already :o)


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