Bumpdate: 20 weeks!

September 2nd ~ September 8th

How far along? 21 weeks tomorrow (9/9/13)

Size of the little miss? At 20 weeks, baby is approximately the size of a banana -- about 6.5 inches and weighing in at around 10.6 ounces.  Our baby seems to be right on track with the "norm"; at our 19 week anatomy scan she was estimated to be about 10 ounces exactly (based on her measurements). 

Maternity Clothes? Nothing new; but yes, I'm wearing maternity all the time now - especially for pants.  I'm still able to wear many of my pre-pregnancy shirts, skirts, and dresses.

Stretch Marks? Still nothing!

Gender? Baby Knox is a sweet baby girl!

Movement? Yes!  Feeling lots of movement on a daily basis now.  Sometimes, flips, tumbles, and somersaults, and sometimes jabs and kicks :)  George has been able to feel the baby kicking on several occasions now, which has been really special and exciting.
Sleep? Not terrible; not great.

Exercise? Over the past two weeks I've squeezed in a few days of physical activity; though certainly not as much as I'd like.
 Food Cravings? Still no cravings.  I feel thirsty MUCH more than usual, so I'm really making an effort to stay very well hydrated throughout the day - this doesn't help the constant bathroom breaks!

What I Miss? A good night's sleep.  I'm sure it will be at least a decade before I experience that again ;)  

Symptoms? Very few; a bit of round ligament pain and stretching, and I have noticed that my ankles are starting to show a tiny bit of swelling at the end of the day, especially after a day of work or after walking around for long periods of time.

Weight Gain?  I should find out the official numbers tomorrow at my doctor's appointment, but I'm guessing around 8 pounds or so from my pre-pregnancy weight.

Belly Button In or Out? In!  It hasn't even flattened out yet; I don't foresee it popping out anytime in the near future.

Wedding Rings On or Off? On!  So far, I haven't noticed any swelling in my hands or fingers - rings are still fitting just fine!

Best Moment of the Week? Technically, two weeks have passed since my last post (didn't get around to a 19 week update post!).  Biggest and best moment was definitely finding out that little baby Knox is a sweet baby girl on 8/27!  Our anatomy scan also revealed that Baby Knox seems healthy and happy - there were no signs of any birth defects (such as cleft lip/palate, heart defects, spinal malformations, or Down Syndrome).  All of her organs and body parts were measuring perfectly and were well formed.  Her size fell in the 53rd percentile, which (for those not constantly inundated with test results and data) means she is as average as average can be for both length and weight.  We've also enjoyed George's 29th birthday (8/28), "Aunt" Ashley's 29th birthday (9/7), and I got to spend a super fun couple of hours catching up with my sweet friend, Lisa, who was visiting the County over Labor Day weekend.
20 weeks, 6 days!

Still squeezing into my Jamaica shirt!


  1. I missed your bumpdate last week!! (I know I'm sad & pathetic!!) You are truly glowing girl. Your bellybutton comment made me remember; I was thinking that mine would eventually pop out but it never did...my belly got HUGE but my bellybutton just kind of flattened out and stayed in. I bet yours might be a popper though. Pregnancy is so weird ;)


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