The One with Eleven

My beautiful friend, Hilary, tagged me in her "11 Things" post, and I thought it was about time I accepted the challenge.

1. You must post these rules
2. Post a photo of yourself & 11 random bits of information about yourself
3. Answer the questions that the tagger set for you in his/her post
4. Create 11 new questions & tag people to answer them
5. Let the people know you've tagged them!

1. My eyesight is so bad that I'm almost considered legally blind. Without my contacts, I can't even read the big "E" at the top of the eye chart. I refuse to wear glasses because the prescription is so strong that the lenses make my eyes look really tiny and distorted. So not attractive.

2. I love to eat dill pickles with sweet things - it makes them taste so much more sour! I enjoy eating a piece of cake or a cookie and then following it up with a nice, crunchy dill pickle.

3. I chew on my lips all the time (gross!) so they are pretty much always chapped or rough. I have no idea why George wants to kiss me :)

4. I've dyed my hair just about every color - I've been blonde, brunette, and a redhead. No matter what color it is, the grass always seems greener on the other side.

5. I have the. weirdest. thumbs. ever. They are very short and wide...George even tells me he really hopes our children don't have my thumbs!

6. I wore dresses to school almost every day from 3rd through 5th grade, just because I LOVED wearing frills, ruffles, and lace that much.

7. I am the exact same height that I was in the 7th grade - my feet usually don't touch the floor when sitting in any given chair.

8. If you write me a letter, email, text, or note, I am probably paying more attention to your grammar and spelling than the actual content of the message. And also silently judging you. Sorry - that's how I roll.

9. I once had to perform CPR on a co-worker and (helped) save her life. Afterward, I had a full-blown panic attack (a la Kristen Bell and the sloth...but less hilarious) and cried for the rest of the day.

10. My toes are completely double jointed - I can fold them under my foot and stand on them. It's totally weird looking.

11. I am freakishly obsessed with the FRIENDS series - I own all ten seasons on DVD. Given a ten-second clip of the show, I can tell you what season it's from and the specific name of the episode....and I can probably quote the rest of the episode line for line. It's really pretty sad.

1. Biggest guilty pleasure food: Definitely donuts. As a general rule, I really enjoy eating healthy, homemade meals. George and I both love cooking so we whip up a "from scratch" meal almost every night. We eat lots of veggies (though we probably could stand to consume a bit more fruit). But when it comes to donuts, my sweet tooth gets the better of me. I cannot resist the delicious, sugary goodness. I never keep donuts in the house, because I would scarf down the entire package all in one sitting if I was left to my own devices.

2. Embarrassing moment from high school: I really don't remember any especially humiliating moments from high school -is that weird? I could tell you a story from 7th grade where I laughed so hard that I may have peed my pants...but you didn't ask about that, so I'll spare you :)

3. Top 3 places you'd like to travel: Anywhere in Greece, Disneyworld (I'm a legit Disney fan and have never been able to visit the most magical place on earth!), and Paris.

4. Thing that annoys you most on Facebook: When people use Facebook as some kind of therapist/personal journal. Facebook is not the place to air your frustrations and life problems. Use it as a fun way to connect with friends and family and share photos; the whole word does not need to know every thought that crosses your mind. Also, Facebook is full of individuals who clearly have not even the slightest grasp of the rules of the English language - drives. me. nuts.

5. Best birthday of your life: So far, I would have to say my 28th birthday, which was just a few months ago. It was my first married birthday, which was incredibly fun in itself, and my husband planned a special trip to take me into NYC to see the city in all its holiday splendor. I do have to say that I'm really looking forward to my next birthday when I'll be 29 on the 29th; I hear it's supposed to be my lucky year!

I tag Lisa to continue the 11 things posts. I'm passing on Hilary's original 5 questions because her topics were brilliant - and because I'm far too lazy to come up with my own!


  1. i never knew your eyesight was that bad! AND i didn't know that about your toes.

    learn something new every day, right? :)

  2. It was so fun getting to know you better! My friend had thumbs like you describe and she was always embarrassed about them and would make fun of them. But I thought they were very unique to her and to be proud of them! :)

    Also, thank you SO much for your comment!! I tried to email you but it didn't work... could you email me by chance? I'd love to ask you some questions!! Thanks so much again!

  3. amazing post :)
    your blog is great!


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