Bumpdate: Weeks 32 and 33!

November 25th ~ December 8th

How far along? Currently, 34 weeks, 3 days

Size of the little miss?
32 weeks: 2.5 to 3.8 pounds, and 15 to 16 inches
33 weeks: 4.2 to 5.8 pounds, and 17 to 18 inches

Maternity Clothes? We traveled to New York for the Thanksgiving, and I stopped at Target to pick up a few more maternity tops.  I also ordered a maternity dress for my baby shower through Motherhood Maternity, and loved it!

Stretch Marks? None yet!  Only about 5 weeks left (give or take)...keeping my fingers crossed!

Gender? Baby Knox is a sweet baby girl!

Movement? Still very consistent, but not quite as forceful as it once was...I think she is probably starting to run out of room and isn't able to perform all those complex acrobatics.
Sleep? Is what it is.  I'm up 3 to 4 times per night to use the bathroom, and have mostly stopped using a pillow between my knees.  It wasn't really preventing the hip pain and I have more room to roll over and move around without it.  Still sleeping with 3 pillows under my head, though!

Exercise? Has been nonexistent the last few weeks, unless, of course, you count the walks from one end of my school to the other that I take every half hour to drop off students and pick up the next group - seems like a workout to me!  
 Food Cravings? Nope!  Still eating all my normal foods, just liking the sweets even more than usual!

What I Miss? My ankles!

Symptoms? Swelling in my feet and ankles, sharp twinges in my pelvis (doctor says it's just the baby putting pressure on my body), and quite a bit of hip pain (hips are definitely spreading!)

Belly Button In or Out? Flat!  But hasn't popped out yet.

Wedding Rings On or Off? Took them off for good (well, until after the baby comes).

What went on this week? In week 32, we traveled to New York to spend Thanksgiving with George's family.  The car ride was not as rough as I thought it would be, and I managed to stay pretty comfortable for the entire ride. Thanksgiving dinner was delicious and it was so great to see all of George's family!  We got to spend some all-too-short time with the Tenbus' Family and see their lovely new house.  Saturday was the last day of our trip - and the day of my baby shower!  It was so beautiful and everyone was incredibly generous - baby girl will be the best dressed baby in the County!
32 weeks, 4 days - with the bff!

Posing with Ei-Ei

Sisters at the Baby shower...sadly, none of us are looking at the right camera

Grandma, Jill, me, and Mary at the Baby shower

In week 33, we went back to school (but only for 3 weeks!) and started gearing up for Christmas.  During the week, we decorated the apartment and on Saturday we picked out and set up our tree.  We also took part in our annual Thanksmas celebration with some great friends.  The food was delicious, the Yankee swap presents were fun and thoughtful, and the company was the best!

33 weeks, 5 days

33 weeks, 5 days


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