The One with the Best Chocolate Chip Cookies
Ok, they may not be as good as Phoebe's grandmother's cookies, but they are definitely the best chocolate chip cookies I've ever made.
Oh, you thought I dropped off the face of the earth after my last post 3 WEEKS ago?? The truth is, we've just been busy around here...and by busy, I mean working all day, making dinner, cleaning and doing dishes, then sitting on the couch doing a mixture of tv-watching, paper-grading, lesson plan-writing, and generally surfing the know, that kind of busy. Sadly, NOT the kind of busy that would make for an interesting and witty blog post about my fascinating life.
But I digress. Moving on to the amazing cookies. I found this recipe via my latest all-consuming obsession - Pinterest. The original recipe can be found here
I took some photos for you to document the chocolate-chip-y goodness.
Begin by hauling out your amazingly beautiful, ice blue KitchenAid mixer; one of my absolute favorite bridal shower gifts from my lovely mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and girlfriend-in-law (?).
AND a photo of me covered in flour to prove that I may possibly be the messiest cook in the world:
1. I tend to make my cookies a little bigger than most recipes call for; my idea of a rounded teaspoon is apparently a little off from others'
2. George and I probably ate the equivalent of several cookies worth of dough before it was cooked...whoops!
Enjoy <3
Something tells me if I make this with my boring old hand mixer it won't come out nearly as yummy!!